Data Capture

How Do I Know Which Card Reader to Buy?

Card Readers

There are basically two types of card readers:

1. Readers for door access/access control
2. Readers for everything else

Card readers work on different frequencies, and the most popular type of reader right now is the  125kHz, with the 13.56MHz models coming in a close second. If you're not familiar with card reader frequencies, think of them as different languages. A card reader needs to speak a card's "language" (or frequency) to understand what the card is trying to say.

Door readers are pretty straightforward. They are installed on a wall or other stationary object and need to be hardwired to a control panel (it's best to contact a local access control company to install these for you). If you don’t already have it in place, you would need to look into a control panel and access system at that time.

Once installed, cards and card readers can be used together to unlock your electronic doors. Most of the time, your cards have already been programmed from the manufacturer, but in the event you need to encode a smart card, you will want to look into an ID card printer and software combination to help you with this process. There are a few other moving parts, but let's keep it simple for now.

There are many other types of card readers used to connect to various devices, like connecting to computers for security access or copiers to “unlock” them so you can make copies. Card readers can also be used to check visitors in and out or to check out assets like books at a library or tools in a service department.

What you use the card readers for will be up to you, but why not maximize the use of the card you’re already using to tie the card into other areas of your office or place of business? Readers like the HID OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Reader or the pcProx Plus Enroll Prox Card Reader are the most versatile.

The pieces you will need are few, and once in place, they can really help you turn your technology into an all-around utility item that integrates into the very pulse of how your organization operates.

For assistance in determining which variations will work best for you, call an ID Professional at (800) 321-4405. We're here to help!

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