Card Printer Supplies

Do I Really Need a Card Printer Cleaning Kit?

ID Card Printer Supplies

Absolutely! As you may have noticed, there have been a lot of commercials on TV lately showing you how important it is to do routine maintenance on your car, such as changing your oil.

ID card printers are not much different. They both have many moving parts that over time collect dust, dirt, and grime. In a printer, these foreign agents can slow down your machine, break ribbons, and render cards useless. This costs you money!

This is why a cleaning kit is so important. All the manufacturers recommend that you run a cleaning kit through the machine with each ribbon change. This routine maintenance will not only keep your card printing costs down, but it will extend the life of your printer and keep your warranty intact.

Another added bonus is that cleaning kits are cheap - usually only a couple dollars a cleaning. Which is just one more reason to save you the headaches, deadlines, and costly repairs.

To find the cleaning kit for your specific printer, just navigate to your printer's brand and then model on For more information on the importance of regularly cleaning your ID card printer, call an ID Professional at (800) 321-4405.

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