Does your driver's license photo make you cringe? Fortunately, you can bury your license in your wallet. ID cards, on the other hand, will be worn every day. For all to see. Everyone. That's why taking great ID card photos for your credentials is so important.
If you are responsible for taking your organization's ID card photos, ensure high-quality results with these simple tips.
1. Put Your Subject at Ease
Many people are uncomfortable about having their photo taken. If possible give the person advance notice about the photo session. Chat with the person for a few minutes before snapping the picture. Allow the person to preview their photo before printing the ID card.
2. Remember: Location, Location, Location
Set up the camera in a private area with good lighting, preferably natural sunlight. If possible, avoid fluorescent lighting as it can wash people out and result in photos with a bluish tint. A photo backdrop allows you to set-up a "photo studio" practically anywhere!
3. Use a Tripod
A tripod not only keeps the camera steady to avoid blurry pictures, it also keeps the photographer’s hands-free. By using a tripod, you can focus on the person, and hopefully get him/her to smile!
4. Invest in a High-quality Camera
A high-quality photo ID camera = great images. If the photo is a prominent and important element of the ID card, it's important to use a high-quality camera that will produce life-like photos for easy identification. The new Credential Cam Pro has proven to be a great option for a variety of businesses.
5. Use ID Software
ID badge software often includes tools that allow you to crop and edit the photos. With practice, you'll be able to easily enhance the look of your images.
Taking great ID card photos isn't just about making the ID cardholder happy; it's also a matter of security. The photo should be crisp and have the closest likeness to the person possible for clear identification.
Ensure the quality and integrity of the photos your organization takes for quality ID cards. Call a knowledgeable ID Professional today at (800) 321-4405. We're here to help!