Visitor Badges

Don’t Forget Visitor Badges!

You've worked so hard to incorporate an awesome employee ID card program within your company, school, or organization. You’ve got the employees covered, but what about all those visitors? How can you tell that the guy that just walked into the building is allowed to be there?

If you don’t already have a system for identifying visitors, you should consider it. With the expiring badge options now available, you have tons of options at your fingertips! Expiring badges allow you to quickly and easily issue badges to your visitors and make it easy to identify unauthorized visitors, even from a distance.

Expiring badges can be issued in a few different ways:

  • Manually issued (simply use pen to write the individuals name and information)
  • Use your laser or ink-jet printer to print their name and information along with their photo
  • Use a thermal printer (only will print in black)

There also are expiring indicators that you can stick to a plastic badge as well. You also can choose how long you want the badge to be valid, including ½ day, one day, one week, and one month.

Pair the expiring badges with Visitor Management Software like Jolly’s Lobby Track to also be able to monitor your visitors. You can track visits, create watch-lists, check backgrounds, pre-register visitors, and/or receive arrival notifications; there is a visitor management solution just for you!

Give us a call at (800) 321-4405 to talk with an ID Professional today!

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