
Using ID Software to Improve School Security

Student ID Card

If you're a K12 school that's looking to improve the level of security for students as well as the security of your school facility, investing in an ID card printer or ID card printer system will provide you with both. Issuing photo ID badges to students and faculty allows school personnel to better monitor and control who has access to specific areas of the school and the school itself.

Pairing your printer with ID card software is also a smart decision. With ID software, your ID card program will be more streamlined and efficient. Plus, you can incorporate your school colors, team mascot, and other branding components to make your card easily identifiable and distinguishable from other schools.

Printing important cardholder information on a student's ID badge helps schools significantly improve student tracking and emergency response to problems that occur. This type of information can include:

  • Cardholder data: name, photo, school mascot image, birth date, contact info, student ID number, grade level, student activity involvement
  • Schedule/calendar: list of upcoming events, school activities, holidays
  • Rewards/membership: redemption instructions, types of rewards offered, program benefits
  • Record of uses: a log of all uses (e.g., rewards program/punch card) if not electronically gathering info, such as with a magnetic stripe
  • Emergency information: emergency preparedness instructions, closest exit locations, local law enforcement and rescue phone numbers
  • Lost card details: card replacement fee, how to return a lost card

ID card software will also help add more layers of security to your cards. School ID badges with barcode, magnetic stripe (also referred to as "magstripe"), or smart card encoding provide door access control to make it easier for students to get around the building within the areas they are allowed to enter. In addition to controlling access, barcode, magnetic stripe, or smart card encoding to provide access to cashless lunch funds makes it more convenient for students to buy their lunches.

Printing school photo IDs is a secure and convenient way to give parents, school faculty, and even the students themselves peace of mind. For help finding a printer and/or ID card software that's right for your school, you can always trust an ID Professional to walk you through the process as well as how to get the very most out of your printer investment. Call today at (800) 321-4405. We're here to help!

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